O Shot®
San Diego – Enhance your intimate wellness and treat urinary incontinence with the O-Shot®, a natural method that harnesses PRP technology. Experience benefits like a stronger libido, improved sexual health, reduced vaginal dryness, and more with this effective treatment.
Reclaim Your Pleasure
- More frequent, intense orgasms
- Stronger libido
- Increased clitoral sensitivity
- Increased lubrication/reduced vaginal dryness
- Improvement of urinary incontinence
- Alleviation of mesh pain
- Relief from lichen sclerosus
The Treatment
The O-Shot® procedure is straightforward and minimally invasive. First, a small amount of your blood is drawn and processed to isolate the platelet-rich plasma (PRP). This concentrated PRP is then carefully injected into specific areas of the vaginal region, including the clitoris and the upper vaginal wall, where it triggers new cell growth and regeneration. This can make the skin and tissue appear and react more youthfully, leading to improved sexual response and reduced urinary incontinence. Many women experience increased sensitivity and libido shortly after the treatment, with effects becoming more pronounced over the following weeks and peaking around 60 days. Remarkably, you can enjoy sexual relations on the same day of the procedure. For some women, this treatment can lead to the achievement of vaginal orgasms, which may have previously been elusive. Combining the O-Shot® with additional vaginal rejuvenation treatments at B Medical Spa can further enhance the results, providing comprehensive improvements to intimate health and comfort.
Do you suffer with...
- Accidents when you jump, laugh, or cough
- Leaks when you wait too long
- Low sexual desire
- Difficulty being aroused
- Trouble reaching orgasm
- Painful sex
- Vaginal dryness
- Lichen sclerosus
Then the O Shot® might be right for you.
Yes, the O-Shot® is considered safe as it uses PRP derived from your own blood, reducing the risk of allergic reactions or complications.
The entire procedure typically takes about 30 minutes to an hour, including the time needed to draw and process your blood.
FRI 9:30 AM – 4:00 PM
Saturday By appointment only
Sunday Closed
Walk-in Vitamin Clinic Monday – Friday
Holidays and events might affect those hours.
Financing Available
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Our friendly staff is ready to answer all of your questions, book your appointment, or help you plan your visit.
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