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Volux Jawline Filler

Volux Jawline Filler

Be Stunning. Be Your Best You

Volux Jawline Filler at B Medical Spa and Wellness Center in San Diego, CA, offers a premier solution for those seeking to enhance their jawline for a more youthful and defined look. This FDA-approved, hyaluronic acid-based filler is expertly injected to volumize and contour the lower face, addressing issues like a weak jawline or sagging skin. Ideal for individuals desiring a non-surgical approach to achieve a sharper, more sculpted jawline, this treatment is effective for both men and women.

Results from the Volux Jawline Filler are visible almost immediately and will continue improving over the following week as any mild swelling decreases. The effects are durable, lasting up to 18-24 months, with follow-up treatments available to maintain your new look. For a personalized experience that promises natural, harmonious results, reach out to B Medical Spa and Wellness Center to book your Volux Jawline Filler consultation.

Perfect for those looking to improve


A good candidate for Volux Jawline Filler is someone who is looking to enhance the definition of their jawline, reduce the appearance of jowls, or restore balance to their facial contours due to aging or weight changes. Ideal candidates should be in good health and have realistic expectations about the results.

Results from Volux Jawline Filler are typically visible immediately after the treatment, with the full effects becoming more evident within a week after any potential swelling has diminished.

The results from Volux Jawline Filler can last up to 18-24 months. The duration of the results may vary based on individual factors such as metabolism, lifestyle, and product usage.The duration of the results may vary based on individual factors such as metabolism, lifestyle, and product usage.

There is minimal downtime associated with Volux Jawline Filler, allowing most clients to return to their normal activities shortly after the procedure.Temporary swelling, redness, or bruising at injection sites may occur and resolve quickly.

Before your Volux Jawline Filler treatment, you should avoid blood-thinning medications and supplements to reduce the risk of bruising. After the treatment, it’s recommended to avoid strenuous activities and excessive heat or sun exposure for the first 24 hours.

The Treatment

During the procedure, your skin is cleansed before we apply the facial. The particular strength and depth are handpicked by our experts and determined during your consultation. All settings are customizable and will be adjusted depending on your skin’s condition. The facial is applied to the skin using the wand device. You may feel mild heating sensations for a few minutes, and cool compresses are used on the targeted area. This treatment combines three techniques into a single treatment. The exfoliation phase removes dull skin cells, the extraction phase profoundly cleanses the skin and extracts dirt and oil from your pores, and the serum infusion phase coats your skin with a serum that hydrates and nourishes. 


Come relax, rejuvenate and recharge

We offer a Consultation


By appointment only
Monday 9:30 AM – 6:00 PM
Tuesday 9:30 AM – 6:00 PM
Wednesday 9:30 AM – 6:00 PM
Thursday 9:30 AM - 6:00 PM
Friday 9:30 AM - 4:00 PM
Saturday 10:00 AM - 3:00 PM
Sunday Closed
Walk-in Vitamin Clinic Monday – Saturday

Holidays and events might affect those hours

Financing Available

Care Credit | B Medical Spa and Wellness Center | bmedspa | San Diego, CA

We also accept CareCredit credit card. A card that gives you beauty options.


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